Android Cop is derivative stuff which doesn’t have much in the way of exciting action and it looks cheap as Hell.
Plot: In the year 2045, a Los Angeles Police Department detective and his new Android partner enter the Zone, a forbidden section of the city plagued with an unknown disease. There, they discover the source of the illness and uncover a troubling Government Conspiracy at the center.
Review: I’d have thought by now Michael Jai White wouldn’t need to star in an Asylum picture but I guess the paycheck must have been stellar… at least, it certainly should have. Android Cop is clearly cashing in on the upcoming Robocop remake, however story-wise it manages to be quite different and is actually quite fun.
Michael Jai White looks like he’s trying not to laugh throughout most of the film and is clearly just having a blast. He has a few decent fight scenes too but there really isn’t anything all that interesting, action-wise.
Randy Wayne is actually pretty decent as Andi; the android cop in question. He’s pretty convincing as an emotionless robot and his futuristic costume is pretty cool.
There isn’t anything new about Android Cop and it feels like a million other, better movies but any movie set in a post-apocalyptic future gets an extra star simply because I love these kinds of stories. The plot is quite predictable the big “twist” you see coming from a mile off.
Not sure what Charles Dutton is doing in this either, but once again I’m pretty sure he’s in it for the pay day.
There is some terrible CGI in places and the police vehicles are completely stolen from the Hunter Killers from the Terminator movies.
The acting is overall not that bad and I did find myself going along with the story, despite the lack of originality.
Overall, Android Cop is derivative stuff which doesn’t have much in the way of exciting action and it looks cheap as Hell.