“A comic book, film and TV production house that focuses solely on developing dark gritty action content, Conan The Barbarian and Mad Max fans rejoice.” FINAL IMPACT COMICS launches first comic, RIVALS, starring legendary British film action star, Gary Daniels (The Expendables, Tekken, Fist of the North Star, Hunt To Kill). Film Director Mike Clarke (KARLI) and Film Director/artist Paul Gerrard (KARLI, HELLBOY, EVIL DEAD RISE, INDIANA JONES 5) have built FINAL IMPACT COMICS and RIVALS for fans of 80’s action, horror and sci-fi films, comics and art.
“Our first offering from Final Impact Comics is Rivals, a desolate violent world which Paul and I have built for over four years,” Mike Clarke. RIVALS depicts a wasteland full of warring warriors and violence. For which the KICKSTARTER campaign is live now. Artists have been handpicked by Mike Clarke and Paul Gerrard, Gerrard is also a major contributor to
all artwork – artists include Greg Staples, Dave Kendall , Björn Barends, Matthew John Soffe. “Final Impact Comics will focus solely on content that’s dark, gritty, violent or has a high fantasy
concept and that’s exactly what our first offering is, RIVALS is brutal,” Paul Gerrard.
FINAL IMPACT COMICS will deliver hard hitting dark comics and begun adapting their line of content for film and television production – with several scripts already gaining interest from major Hollywood producers. Comic book fans can expect more issues of RIVALS soon!!!
RIVALS Kickstarter now live here – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rivalsgn1/rivals-a-graphic-novel-series-war-is-coming-back-0?fbclid=IwAR2Rr0TgT6VLLKlPMYcY-DDVBnQ-uxr8dNsOG4q0CcFrlnsC3nhhx3zAUPQ
NEWSLETTER SIGNUP: www.finalimpactcomics.com