How Movies Can Improve Your Writing Skills And Grammar

Having decent writing and grammar skills is an integral part of college life. Developing these skills might be a daunting task for many students. Some students use movies to improve their writing skills. This article will shine a light on how watching movies can help improve your writing and grammar skills.

Watching Subtitles

Whenever you are watching a movie, make a habit of using subtitles. This can be of great help because some words in the movies might be challenging to understand. By using subtitles, you can easily pause the movie and read the subtitles to comprehend the meaning. Moreover, if you fail to grasp the meaning of a word, you can easily use a dictionary to decipher the meaning.

An English movie with subtitles will also improve your reading skills. We all know that reading improves writing. Once you can easily read something at a decent pace, the chances are that you will be able to write effectively. Some movies don’t have a subtitle option. You can go on the internet and download the subtitles for that particular movie. They are pretty easy to download and link up with your movies. Some good movies for learning English are:

  • The Break-Up
  • The Imitation Game
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • The Social Network
  • A Beautiful Mind
  • Cast Away
  • Clueless
  • Pursuit Of Happiness

Watching movies is one of the best things that you can do in your free time. You might feel like you’re wasting your time, but trust me, it helps to improve your writing skills. Try to focus on every word of the movie. You will soon realize that your vocabulary is increasing drastically. Try to make a habit of rewatching a scene if you are unclear about that particular part of the movie. You have to make sure while watching a movie not to pick up slang words. Essay writing is very professional. Even informal essays don’t allow the use of slang or inappropriate words. Try to maintain your vocabulary strictly and restrict it to good words.


Outside Of Your Genre

Most people like to watch movies of the genre they like. It might also be an excellent option to watch English movies online that are different from those you usually watch.  Once you start watching movies from different genres, you will soon realize that new words come to light. These new words can drastically improve your vocabulary and improve your writing skills as well. You won’t notice this change at the start, but as you go down the writing road, the words will come up in your memory, and you can use them as you please.

Expressions are one of the most important parts of essay writing. If you want to improve your writing skills, make sure that you carefully observe the expressions used in the movies. For instance, you can look at how the main actor uses his words in different scenarios in the movie. He might be using different vocabulary in a sad scene and an entirely different expression in a situation where he is excited. If you are a writer, you must be an all-rounder. If you have a habit of watching horror movies, you will be good at writing essays on mysterious topics. However, if you aim to master all writing genres, try to diversify your movie selection by watching movies of romantic comedy and action thrillers. Never restrict yourself to watching English movies. Movies from all over the world have so many new things to learn that can aid you in the writing process.

We all know that essay writing can become a daunting experience. If you want to write the perfect essay, you can always take help from the internet. For instance, if you have to write an essay on a movie review, you can always find a movie review essay example from the internet. Just look for a well-reputed writing service. Good writing service websites have the best writers worldwide who can look after your assignment essays.

Improve Your Memory

Watching movies can also improve your memory. Once your habit of watching movies and carefully listening to the dialogues, you will soon realize that words will start to repeat. This will eventually improve your memory. Having a good memory is very important when it comes to writing skills. If you have a good set of words to your memory, the vocabulary will eventually improve.

Rewatching a movie will also help you improve your memory. Take the example of the movie “La La Land.” The movie is an outstanding one, and you are tempted to watch it over and over again. Rewatching the same movie will help you memorize the dialogues, increasing your vocabulary and improving your writing skills. Whenever you learn a new expression or a clause from your movie, try to use it in your everyday life. Doing this will enable you to use those words in your writing, and you can easily create the perfect essay.

Stunning Visuals

The best part about movies is that you can visualize the words used in dialogues. Most students struggle when they have to read books or long essays to improve their vocabularies. Movies help you visualize a particular situation, and you can easily use that image to drive your mind into recognizing creative words.

Stunning visuals also help with your memory. It is far easier to remember a picture and add words to it rather than memorizing an extended essay. That is why people are generally better at writing about movies than a research paper. Whenever you are at a loss for words during an essay, try to visualize the image. Doing this will get your creative juices flowing, and you can quickly write about the particular situation.


Practice makes a man perfect. Try to watch as many movies as possible from different genres. You will soon realize that essay writing is becoming easier day by day, and you will get decent grades on your assignments. If your parents have any problem with your compulsive movie watching, tell them that you are working on your writing and grammar skills. They won’t say a thing!

We know that essay writing can become a daunting task. Watching movies can help you a great deal in the writing process. Try to expand your horizons by watching different movies. Try to stay calm and keep a clear head during the actual essay writing. Happy Writing!


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