Plot: This film update of the “Maverick” TV series finds the title cardsharp (Mel Gibson) hoping to join a poker contest with an impressive payoff. In order to enter, Maverick must first put up a large cash sum. He scams hopeful contestants Annabelle (Jodie Foster) and Angel (Alfred Molina) in a preliminary card game to win the money he needs, making enemies of both players. While trying to evade Annabelle and Angel, the crafty Maverick realizes a cunning marshal (James Garner) is also on his tail.
Today is sort of an unofficial Donner Day on the site as we pay tribute to director Richard Donner who passed away yesterday at the age of 91.
First off I thought I would revisit the action/comedy/western Maverick starring Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster and James Garner. This movie will always have a special place in my heart as I will never forget seeing it with my cousin as a double bill with The Crow way back in 1994.
Based on the series Maverick that starred James Garner this update still stands up as pure entertainment with its light tone, constant double crosses and spectacular stunt work.
Mel Gibson is perfectly cast as Bret Maverick who is charming, quick on the draw and always seems to be one step ahead of everyone else. Jodie Foster was wonderful as the crafty Annabelle Bransford who is every bit as good a con merchant as Maverick.
There is a fantastic supporting cast that includes James Coburn (who I wish narrated my life), a scene stealing turn from Graham Greene, Dan Hedaya, Corey Feldman, Geoffrey Lewis from Double Impact and Alfred Molina who can be relied on every time as a villain.
It does get a little hard to keep up with who is playing who and it gets a bit exhausting by the end but it’s hard not to just enjoy the ride as it seems everyone involved is having a great time.
I love the Lethal Weapon reference when Danny Glover makes his cameo but we also get Steve Kahan as one of the dealers towards the end; Kahan shows up in most of Donner’s films in some capacity.
It was also only on this viewing that I noticed Superman star Margot Kidder had a small role too as Margaret Mary. That’s also singer Waylon Jennings as the poker player with the concealed gun. There are a bunch more but I’m not going to go into that here.
In terms of action we get a few punch ups and shoot-outs but as I mentioned above the stunt work is incredible especially during the stagecoach sequence which was a nod to the classic movie Stagecoach.
The music score is upbeat and very Western sounding so it works well for the movie in keeping things lighthearted and playful.
Overall, Maverick may not be talked about as much as Richard Donner’s other pictures like Lethal Weapon and Superman but it’s still a hugely enjoyable romp with the cast at their best, gentle humour and some great action.