TAE Meets Manny Jacinto at Toronto Comicon

One of the many highlights of the Toronto Comicon was meeting Manny Jacinto who played The Stranger in Star Wars: the Acolyte and was also in Top Gun: Maverick. He’s literally one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and we chatted for a few minutes. I said the lightsaber battles in The Acolyte were awesome and that he really had the moves in the fight scenes. He said that he worked really hard on it and it worked out in the end. He also said he was glad that we enjoyed the series.

He then looked at my badge and asked “what’s The Action Elite?” I told him it’s a website dedicated to classic action movies old and new as well as martial arts films and more. He said we need a new Jackie Chan and more martial arts stars and I agree; after watching his moves in The Acolyte it would be great to see him in more action roles in the future.