You might have seen invitations by “crypto experts”, tech support suggestions, and unrealistic job listings on your Telegram channel lately. In early 2024, over 22,600 Telegram scam claims were reported. These numbers have significantly increased since then and might not stop soon. Social media scams are not new but this channel seems to be a top target for scammers. It’s time to take extra care and learn ways to spot and stop Telegram app scams.
What are Telegram scans?
Telegram app scams are tricks fraudsters use to make you trust them and send them money or important information. People who create and share Telegram scams may use investment frauds at one time or phishing links at another time. You could be tricked with fake rewards, malware, or sign-up forms. Scammers present themselves as trusted promoters or brands and create an environment of urgency for unsuspecting people.
There are a few things that you should take note of about a Telegram scammer and their goals. But you may ask, do scammers use Telegram and what is Telegram used for scamming? Fraudsters use Telegram because it has many features like user anonymity and encryption security that favor them. You can visit this site to understand more about these scams. Bad characters create fake accounts and use them to lie to people and trick them. Your priority should be how to identify a fake Telegram account and block it from your channel. Create a Telegram scammer list and share it to help other users avoid them.
Why do people use Telegram?
The key thing that draws people to Telegram is its strict privacy and security policies. This is important for people who want to engage in social media communication and avoid government monitoring. The channel is good for sharing heavy files allowing attachments of up to 2 GB. Messages sent on this channel automatically destructs after a preset time. The channel has over 950 million active users and the trend is growing fast.
What Telegram scams should you be aware of?
Considering the strong security features of this channel, the biggest question in the minds of users could be – “is Telegram used for scams”? The answer is yes and thousands of people fall to these scams daily. Here are important Telegram app scams you should be aware of.
Enticing investment channels
Telegram groups are the common places where you will likely experience these fraudulent investment openings. They entice people to invest in high-return forex, crypto, affiliate, commodity, or app design opportunities. Scammers in this category do not tell you to invest a lot of money but the smallest amounts. This way, they defraud millions of users who might feel the loss is insignificant.
Fake collectibles
This scam strategy targets people who love collecting items from movies. These could be photos of key characters, new release posters, and other items. The cost for these items could be high and this is where scammers see an opportunity. They avail the collectibles at low prices but demand upfront deposits.
Attractive subscription services
People love taking advantage of discounts and promotions when subscribing to news, streaming, or content-based channels. Fraudsters readily offer these services at heavily discounted rates. The catch is to pay in advance but unfortunately, you will never receive the services after payment.
App downloads and account sign-up scams
You might get many offers on Telegram informing you about valuable apps or accounts on sale. Some of these apps could be the genuine platforms you know but scammers promise significant savings. The problem is that the links you get are fake and can never download anything.
Fake contests and NFT Telegram scams
Fake contests have been one of the top scams users have experienced lately. They may lose money after playing fake sweepstakes, and games, subscribing for giveaways, etc. Crypto awareness has increased lately but scams involving the coins and NFTs have increased too. They trick people into investing in movie NFTs and earn high returns but it’s all fake.
How to know scammer on Telegram
Some scammers use tricks that look real or create websites that are hard to suspect. However, there are redlines that you can always look out for and avoid being scammed.
- Lack of genuine websites. In the case of fake companies wooing you to pay a subscription, check their website. If there is no such website, avoid the offer. There could be a website sometimes but a closer look will tell it’s fake.
- Exciting offers. Some offers could be too exciting and include extra high discounts, high yielding profits. Treat such offers with great suspicion.
- Suspicious payment methods. Some accounts might restrict payment to a specific method such as crypto or vouchers. Genuine companies offer multiple payment options.
- Urgency. Offers that seem too urgent with opportunities expiring sooner should make you ask questions. Tread with care when dealing with such offers.
- Grammar issues. Be on the lookout for offers with terrible grammar mistakes. This could be a sign the person wrote in a hurry and didn’t care about editing.
- Sharing personal data. Anyone who asks for personal data is likely a scammer and you should avoid them.
Avoid being scammed
You should never take action or any offer on Telegram before confirming the source, the company, or the offer. Spend time and research or ask other social media users. They might have a bad experience with the person or company and warn you. If you want to subscribe to a service like streaming or e-commerce, check the official website of the service and subscribe from there.
Never pay upfront for any item purchased or advertised on social media. Block anyone asking for personal data and refuse to share anything with them. Create strong authentication for your channel account and never share your logins with anyone.
Telegram has become more popular lately and could hit the 1 billion user mark soon. The channel’s growth has attracted many negative issues and scamming stands out more. Beware of scam tricks like fake accounts, upfront payments, and fraudulent subscriptions, and avoid them. Your online security is important and report Telegram scams to help protect other users. Secure your account with a strong password, and 2 FA, and log in on secure WIFI. Share scan news and information with other users to spread awareness of this vice and expose fraudsters.