Coming Soon: Home-Sitters from Chris Rakotomamonjy

From director Chris Rakotomamonjy comes Home-Sitters, an action-thriller described as Black Hawk Down meets Panic Room.

Plot: A young broke woman is hired as a house-sitter for a mansion in the middle of huge gardens. This assignment looks like a dreamjob until mercenaries try to break in to get a mysterious object in the house, that turns out to be a real fortress.

After the success of An Horror Anthology on Prime Video or Troma Now, Chris Rakotomamonjy turns to action with a high-octane Girl vs. Mercenaries. Even though Chris a huge horror fan, action movies of all decades, such as The 7 Samurai, Time and Tide, Die Hard or 13 Hours, are his all-time favorite.
With veteran fight choreographer Jorge Lorca (From Paris With Love, Eight for Silver), he wanted to make a non-stop action rollercoaster and this is exactly what Home-Sitters is.

With SWAT, sweat, gunfights and martial arts, Home-Sitters is the perfect introduction to Chris Rakotomamonjy’s wicked world and a red-marked touchstone of this Nouvelle Vague that is struggling with heart and guts to make genre films out of the traditional structures in France and Europe.

Check out the trailer below on IMDb

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