Explained: All About Blue Light Glasses You Should Know

Blue light glasses are equipped with special lenses that block the blue-violet radiation emitted by digital screens (and the sun and other light sources). You can get glasses with blue-light-filtering lenses with or without a doctor’s prescription.

But what is blue light, and why would you want to wear blue light filter glasses? Let’s dig further into the world of blue light glasses to find out if these specs are suited for you.

What is blue light?

One of the seven colors of light that the human eye can see is blue. The other six are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo/violet. Blue light has relatively shorter wavelengths and higher energy levels than other hues.

Blue light is present everywhere, including indoors. The sun and other artificial light sources, such as fluorescent bulbs, also contribute to the environment’s overall exposure to blue light.

To what end do blue-light-blocking glasses serve?

Ongoing and not always consistent research into the efficacy of blue light glasses and the potential dangers of blue light provides conflicting findings. However, studies suggest that wearing blue light blocking eyeglasses can alleviate eye strain, improve sleep quality, and prevent headaches in the first place. Below, we’ll delve deeper into these issues.

Can Blue-Tinted Sunglasses Reduce Eye Strain?

Blue light filter glasses have been shown in certain research to reduce eye strain. One study, for instance, found that subjects who wore blue-light-filtering lenses experienced fewer signs of eye strain. Eye discomfort, heaviness, and itching were among the symptoms described in this research.

Other Advantages of Blue-Light Filtering Glasses

In addition, studies have shown that blue light filter glasses, protecting your eyes from blue light when using electronic devices before bed will help you get to sleep, stay asleep, and enjoy a more pleasant slumber.

Wearing blue light filter glasses may help you get a better night’s rest if you’re a late-night smart phone or tablet reader.

Do My Eyes Need Protection From Blue Light?

Blinking rates drop when people stare at displays for long periods. The transient series of symptoms known as eye strain can be brought on by reduced blinking. However, these side effects are due to how individuals use their devices, not the screens themselves. The easiest method to protect your eyes from digital fatigue is to take frequent breaks away from the device.

No eye ailment has ever been linked to the amount of light emitted by a computer screen. There is no detectable amount of ultraviolet radiation (the most dangerous type of light) coming from computer screens, according to a study republished by the National Library of Medicine.

The circadian rhythm is the body’s normal wake and sleep cycle, and there is some evidence that blue light disrupts it. Avoiding screen time before bedtime is the most effective way to ensure a restful night’s sleep. In addition, switching to a “dark” or “night” mode in the evening can be beneficial.

How Do I Prevent Eye Fatigue?

Place yourself at an arm’s length distance (about 25 inches) from the monitor. Adjust your viewing angle so that you are looking down at the screen.

  • Follow the “20-20-20” rule: Every 20 minutes, gaze away from the screen for 20 seconds at an item at least 20 feet away.
  • Applying artificial tears can help relieve dry eyes.
  • Lighten up the surroundings and the screen’s contrast if you’re experiencing eye strain. Get a filter with a matte screen if you need to.
  • Take a break from your contact lenses and put on your glasses.
  • Most computer-related eye problems are short-lived and disappear after you stop working on a computer. Contact your ophthalmologist if these symptoms persist.

Is Protection from Blue Light Glasses Necessary?

Blue light filter glasses are something to consider if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer or other digital device, especially late at night. And this type of glasses is versatile. For instance, your blue light glasses can accommodate any prescription lenses you require, including anti-fatigue lenses.


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