Gang Dong-Won Interview on Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula

Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula is out in theatres now and we recently got to chat with the main star Gang Dong-Won who plays Jung-seok.

The questions/answers are in Korean and English. Enjoy!

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us; we’re going to be talking about your new film Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula the highly anticipated follow up to Train to Busan.

  1. 정석 역의 어떤 점에 끌렸는지 말씀해주시겠어요?

What appealed about the character of Jung Seok and can you tell us a little about him?

정석은 극을 관통하는 트라우마가 있는 인물이다. 정석이 변하는 순간들이 관객들이 감정을 따라오는 변화이기 때문에 그런 지점이 좋았다. 정석이 영화에서 가장 강한 캐릭이기도 하지만 한편으로는 가장 상황을 모르기도 하고 약한 캐릭터이기도 하다. 그런 부분이 기존 캐릭터와 달라 신선했다. 중반까지는 정석의 시선으로 영화를 끌고 가다가 민정(이정현 분) 가족을 만나면서 서포트하는 변화의 지점이 무척 새로웠다. 대부분의 영화에서 약자로 나오는 노인과 여성, 아이들의 활약이 많이 나오는 것도 좋았다. 후반부에는 정석 캐릭터로서 잘 서포팅 하려고 노력했다.

Jung-seok is a character who undergoes trauma throughout the story. I really enjoyed the moments when Jung-seok underwent the changes, because the audience can experience those emotions with him. Jung-seok can be considered one of the toughest character in the movie, but on the other hand, in some ways he knows the least about his surroundings and can be the weakest character as well. Because this was different from previous characters, it was fresh for me.

The first half of the film is through the viewpoint of Jung-seok, but when he meets Min-jung (played by Lee Jung-hyun) and her family and he change his point of view. Thus, such changes then made Jung-seok becomes a supporting role to the family. I thought that was highly creative. It was also nice to see the elderly, women, and children who usually play weaker roles in movies and now having more activities in the script.


  1. 부산행이 2016년에 개봉했을 때 엄청났는데요. 반도에서 뭔가 특별한, 더 나은 것을 보여줘야 한다는 부담이 있었나요?

Train to Busan was quite the phenomenon when it came out in 2016; did you feel there was a lot of pressure to deliver something special with this follow up?

부담이 없지는 않았지만 시나리오가 ‘부산행’과 많이 다른 영화이기 때문에 ‘부산행’을 좋아하면 이 영화도 좋아해주시지 않을까 했다. 전적이 엄청나게 성공했으니 ‘반도’도 좋아해줄 수 있겠다는 든든한 마음이 있었다.

I do feel the pressure, but Peninsula has its own stand-alone story and scenario and has different elements compared with Train to Busan. I hoped those who were fans of “Train to Busan” would also enjoy this movie. Because of its overwhelming success, I feel reassured that fans will enjoy “Peninsula” as well.

  1. 연상호 감독님과 일하는 건 어떠셨습니까?

How did you find working with director Sang-ho Yeon?

연 감독님은 애니메이션으로 출발해서 그런지 비주얼라이징하는데 굉장히 능숙하더라. 무엇을 찍을지 뭐가 필요없는지 생각이 명확하기 때문에 함께 일하기 편했다. 가끔은 더 찍어야 하는 게 아닌가 할 정도로 진짜 필요한 것만 찍더라. 특히 다른 사람들을 편하게 해주려고 노력을 많이 하셨다.

I am not too sure if it was because Director Yeon started his career with animation, but he was very skillful with visualizing things. It was extremely easy to work with him because he had a truly clear idea of what to shoot and what was unnecessary. He only shot what was absolutely needed, so at times it was to the point where I even wondered whether we needed to be shooting more. He put forth a lot of effort to ensure others were comfortable.

  1. 특수효과가 더해진 촬영을 좋아하시나요? 아니면 보다 현실적인 액션연기를 선호하시나요?

Do you enjoy working with special effects or do you prefer action to be more practical?

둘 다 좋아하지만, 굳이 조금 더 좋아하는 걸 꼽는다면 특수효과가 더해진 비현실적인 작품? 만드는 순간도 재미 있고, 결과물 나올 때까지 두근두근 거리고 기다리는 것도 좋다. 하지만 너무 많은 특수효과는 안 좋아한다. 경계를 구분하는 게 모호하긴 하지만(웃음).

I like working with both. But if I have to pick one out of the two, I would prefer a little more to special effects. Making a movie with special effects is incredibly fun in addition to the anticipation you feel as if your heart is pounding with excitement waiting to see the finished product.

  1. 총기를 다뤄야 하는 영화를 위해 어떤 트레이닝을 받았습니까?

Did you have to undergo any training for the film like firearms for example?

한국 남자들은 총기를 다룬 경험이 다들 조금이라도 있다. 특별히 총기 훈련 같은 걸 하지는 않았다. 전작들(‘군도’ ‘마스터’ ‘인랑’ 등)에서도 액션 연기를 많이 했는데, 한국에서 나는 액션 연기를 잘하는 배우로 알려져있다. 사실 이번 액션 연기는 다른 작품들보다 힘들지는 않았는데, 킬러들처럼 총기를 능수능란하게 다룬다는 설정도 아니었고 스워드마스터 캐릭터도 아니었기 때문이다.

All men in Korea have some experience with guns during our military service. I did not do any special gun training for Peninsula, but I did for my past projects. I have done a lot of action acting in my previous films like “Kundo: Age of the Rampant,” “Master” and “Illang: The Wolf Brigade”. In Korea, I am known as an actor who is good with action acting. Thankfully, the action acting in this film was not more difficult compared to my previous works. This is because it was not a setting where I was a killer who skillfully handled guns, nor was it a sword master’s character.

  1. 도시를 관통하는 클라이맥스 체이싱 장면은 엄청났습니다. 어떻게 그러한 장면이 나올 수 있었는지 설명해주시겠어요?

The climactic chase through the city was incredible; can you talk us through how that was all put together?

카체이싱 시퀀스는 프리프러덕션 때 준비를 많이 했다. 애니메이션 출신 감독님이라서 그런지 카체이싱 장면에 대한 그림이 명확했다. 이 부분에 만화적인 요소가 많은데 3D 비주얼라이징 작업을 많이 해놔서 촬영할 때도 수월하게 진행됐다. 어려운 신인데 그렇게 어렵지는 않았던 것 같다.

There were a lot of work done for the car chasing scene during the pre-production stage. It may be because Director Yeon started his career in animation, he provided a noticeably clear picture of what he wanted the car chase scene to look like. There are many cartoon-like elements in this part, but because I did a lot of the 3D visualization work in my previous works too, it was easy to shoot. It was a difficult scene, but it did not feel very difficult to shoot.

  1. 배우님이 처음 대본을 읽었을 때 상상했던 대로 영화가 나왔습니까?

Did the final movie turn out the way you imagined when you first read the script?

다른 장면은 비슷하다고 느끼는데 카체이싱 장면은 생각보다 훨씬 더 잘나온 것 같다.

Yes, the movie turned out the way as I would have thought.  But I have to say that, the car-chase scene turned out to be much better than I had expected.

  1. 영화에서 가장 좋아하는 장면은 무엇인가요?

Do you have a favourite scene from the movie at all?

카체이싱 신도 훌륭하지만 가장 좋아하는 시퀀스는 쇼핑몰 안에서 좀비들이 인간들을 사냥하는 장면이다. 인상깊었다.

The car-chase scene was great, but my favorite sequence will be where the zombies are hunting the humans in the shopping mall. It was very impressive.

  1. 관객들이 반도를 통해 무엇을 얻어가기를 원하십니까?

 What would you like audiences to take away from Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula?

‘반도’는 좀비 영화이긴 하지만 휴머니즘과 가족애도 다루기에 여러 가지 메시지가 있다. 어디에 있는지보다 누구와 있는지가 중요하다. 또한 어떤 상황에서라도 본인의 마음 먹기에 달려 있고, 언제나 희망은 있다는 메시지다. 지금 전 세계가 힘든 시기를 보내고 있는데 이 영화를 보면서 희망을 조금이라도 갖게 되면 좋겠다.

“Peninsula” is a zombie and action-packed movie, but it also shows humanism and love in the family. The message is to share with us that who you are with is more important than where you are. The movie also highlights that regardless of any worst situation you are facing with, there is always hope.  Similarly to the current global pandemic situation that the entire world is going through now, and I sincerely wish everyone to find hope while watching this movie.

Thanks so much for talking with us and all the best with the film.

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