Remembering Hulk Hogan as The Ultimate Weapon (1998)

Plot: When mercenary “Hardball” Cutter discovers that the team he is working with is actually a group of IRA gunrunners, he decides to put a stop to their plans. Furious with Cutter, the gunrunners target him, his partner, and his family.

It had been many years since I last saw The Ultimate Weapon and it was always one of my favourite Hulk Hogan movies back in the day. It’s R rated and has all the usual tropes an old school action movie should have – punch ups in a strip club, gunfire, explosions and a ridiculously over the top, yet totally epic bad guy death.

It never quite reaches the level of say, Commando but it’s still an easy watch with Hogan and his totally not noticeable hairpiece out for revenge against the man who tried to rape his daughter.

Daniel Pilon is our big bad called McBride and he is truly hateful and his comeuppance is thoroughly satisfying.

Some of the performances are hardly Oscar worthy but this is a Hulk Hogan movie after all and it delivers exactly what it says on the tin. I wish it had a better script as it was lacking in memorable one-liners, but it had a few moments.

The Ultimate Weapon is directed by Jon Cassar who would go on to helm the smash hit Keifer Sutherland TV series 24 and there are enough decent action set-pieces here to see why he would be perfect for that job.

Keep your eyes open for Ed Lesie AKA Brutus the Barber Beef Cake as one of the bouncers of the aforementioned stripclub.

Overall, The Ultimate Weapon is a hugely entertaining (not very) guilty pleasure movie that has enough action (including several impressive explosions) to keep you entertained for 90 minutes. It’s hardly a classic but it does exactly what’s expected of it.

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